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Refund Policy

Adxect is the first ever institute that is providing refund policy after completion of certain programme. We want students to attain their earning goals through learning with Adxect and then getting back their money being spent on entire programme so that they can consider their payment of fee as their investment.

This refund policy falls under below mentioned terms:

  • As short programme are considered to be at beginning level, students who enroll in short programme (3 months) will not be able to claim refund.
  • As 6 months programmes are considered to be at intermediate level, students who enroll in 6 months programme will be able to claim up to 50% refund.
  • As 9 months programmes are considered to be at pro level, students who enroll in 9 months programme will be able to claim up to 90% refund.

Note: Refund policy is only eligible to those students who will get an A Grade in their final term project. To attain this refund policy, the eligible students will have to perform offered task or project given by Adxect. Those who fail to perform; they will not be able to claim their refund.